Housing for Summer Students, Conferences & Interns

Summer and Short Term Housing at USCB 


Housing for Conferences, Camps and Visiting Interns

A limited number of apartments are also available for attendees of conferences, summer camps, seminars and other community programs hosted at USCB. 

Non-USCB students interested in summer housing should contact Laura Rychalsky, Coordinator of Housing Operations and Conference Services, at rychalsl@uscb.edu or 843-208-8722. 

Non-USCB groups looking to host events at USCB are asked to complete the Conference Inquiry Form through Conference & Meeting Services. Link: https://www.uscb.edu/community/event-rentals/forms.html 


Girls Dorm

Summer Housing for Current USCB Students

Payment for Summer housing will be incorporated into the student's university bill (similar to Fall and Spring). Summer bills will be available mid-April. There is also a payment-plan option. Please contact the Cashier for Student Accounts at (843) 208-8008 or email bursar@uscb.edu more information on the payment plan. 

USCB's Summer Housing Contract is found in the Star Rez portal. The portal is accessed using your login for Self Service Carolina.