Become a Scientist at USCB
Opportunities for Biology Majors
Our programs of study prepare students for careers in medical and health professions, biotechnological fields, environmental science and natural resource management and conservation.
We encourage you to speak with current students, meet with faculty or schedule an appointment with an advisor to learn more about programs, scholarships and research opportunities that USCB offers.
What We Offer
High achieving students who plan to major in Biology are encouraged to apply to USCB’s Beaufort College Honors program. BCH students in Biology who live in Beaufort campus housing are eligible for the 1795 Scholarship.
Minor in Chemistry
CHEM B321/B321L, CHEM B333/B331L, CHEM B334/B332L, and 4-6 additional hours at 300+ level.
Contact Us
Mercer R. Brugler, PhD
Chair, Department of Natural Sciences
Professor, Marine Biology
Department of Natural Sciences

Sarah Brooks
Administrative Assistant for Natural Sciences
One University Boulevard
Bluffton, SC 29909