Murray Skees, PhD
Assistant Professor, Philosophy

I teach philosophy at USCB, including interdisciplinary courses such as the Philosophy of Art and Bioethics. My teaching and scholarship interests explore intersections in the philosophy of art, social philosophy, philosophy of technology, and the social sciences. My articles have appeared in the International Philosophical Quarterly, Film and Philosophy, Critical Horizons, and Philosophy and Social Criticism, as well as forthcoming work in Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology. I have also contributed articles to Routledge’s “Philosophers on Film” series and Emerald Publishing’s “Research in Consumer Behavior” series. My current research investigates the rise of “Big Data” science and predictive analytics through the lens of critical social theory and the work of the Frankfurt School.
- Education
- Teaching
- Research
PhD in Philosophy. University of Kentucky
BA in Psychology and Philosophy. Thomas Moore College
- PHIL B102 - Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL B110 - Introduction to Formal Logic: Deduction & Inference
- PHIL B111 - Introduction to Formal Logic: Reasoning & Analysis
- PHIL B211 - Contemporary Moral Issues
- PHIL B312 - Bioethics
- PHIL B313 - Philosophy of Art
- PHIL B315 - Philosophy of Technology
- Philosophy of Art
- Social Philosophy
- Philosophy of Technology
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- The rise of "Big Data" science and predictive analytics through the lens of critical social theory and the work of the Frankfurt School