New Student Orientation Process

Sand Shark Boot Camp at USCB

Boot Camp

Have additional questions after completing Sand Shark 100? Join us for a series of virtual workshops that take a deeper dive into the information students and families need to start their Sand Shark experience with confidence.

Degree Planning Session

Wednesday, December 11th at 5:30 PM

This sessions will review the degree components of your major, explain common first semester course schedules, and give important advising and registration information. 

Financial Aid and Billing Session

Wednesday, December 4th at 4:00 PM

In this session representatives from the Office of Financial Aid and the Bursar's Office will explain how to read your bill, understand your financial aid package, apply your aid to your bill, set up and payment plan, and make your fall tuition payment.

Living in Campus Housing 101


Learn everything you need to know to be ready to move-in to campus this fall. Housing staff will be there to discuss floor plans, what to bring, what to leave at home, and housing policies.

Supporting Your Student’s Mental Health (Geared to Family Members and Supporters)

Friday, December 13th at 2:00 PM

Mental health concerns for incoming college students are at the forefront of our minds in supporting your student in making the difficult transition from High School to College. We will discuss some of the recourses we have available to students while also giving families the tools they need to support their students while also giving them room to grow. 

Understanding University Technology

Monday, December 9th at 4:00 PM

Learn how to access University Technologies such as Self-Service Carolina, University Email, and Blackboard. The session will also cover how to download free software, what kind of computers work best for USCB students, what kinds of support ITSS can offer, and how students get their USCB Student ID Card.

Questions about Sand Shark Boot Camp? Email for support.

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