Dr. Eric Montie Publishes two new Papers on Estuarine Soundscapes
Faculty Research
Eric Montie, Ph.D., associate professor of Biology and director of the Marine Sensory
and Neurobiology Lab & the Lowcountry Dolphin Conservation Program, reports on the
publication of two new research papers in 2019. The first, “Sound patterns of snapping shrimp, fish, and dolphins in an estuarine soundscape
of the Southeastern USA,” was published in the Marine Ecology Progress Series. Dr. Montie and his lab manager
and research associate, Angieszka Monczak, who is now a Ph.D. student at the University
of Aberdeen Scotland, equally contributed to this work. The second, “Automatic detection, classification, and quantification of sciaenid fish calls in
an estuarine soundsca pe in the Southeast United States,” was published in PloS ONE. Dr. Montie complimented Dr. Yiming Ji and the Department
of Computer Science for “great collaboration” with the Department of Natural Sciences.
University of South Carolina Beaufort
Biology, Publications, Science & Mathematics, Marine Ecology Progress Series, PloS
ONE, Research Highlights