Town Hall Meetings Provide Faculty Input for USCB’s Academic Master Plan
Events, Administration News
Developing a progressive Academic Master Plan to support the USCB Strategic Plan 2023
is a critical step in preparing our students to compete in today’s high-tech global
economy. With that goal in mind Eric Skipper, Ph.D., provost and executive vice chancellor
for Academic Affairs, hosted a series of town hall meetings to discuss academic planning
at USCB. The faculty meetings took place February 21 and 22 on the Bluffton Campus
and February 26 on the Beaufort Campus. The Academic Master Planning Committee consists
of Brian Canada, Ph.D., Lauren Hoffer, Ph.D., Diana Reindl, Ph.D., Chris Robinson,
M.F.A., John Salazar, Ph.D., and Bud Sanders, Ph.D. It is supported by campus subcommittees
led by Drs. Charlie Calvert, Bob LeFavi and Babet Villena-Alvarez.
University of South Carolina Beaufort
Academic Affairs, Strategic Planning, Academic Master Plan