USCB to be Featured in Story on Town of HHI
USCB in the Media
The Town of Hilton Head Island will be featured in an upcoming issue of “Business
View Magazine,” a multi-platform source of news, profiles and options for executives.
It is distributed by email and website to more than 840,000 subscribers in North America
each month. The story will include information about our new campus and a comment
from Chancellor Al M. Panu, Ph.D., who extols the benefits of USCB’s partnership with
the Town of Hilton Head Island. “Our new campus affords USCB the opportunity to offer
prospective and current Hospitality Management students unique experiential learning
opportunities in what is perhaps one of the most authentic and selective hotel, restaurant
and tourism locations in the entire country,” he says.
Watch for a link to the story in an upcoming “USCBe Informed” post.
University of South Carolina Beaufort
Hospitality Management, The Professions, Business View Magazine