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Dr. Babet Villena-Alvarez Addresses International Education Conference in Poland

Faculty News

Babet giving a speechBabet Villena-Alvarez, Ph.D., addresses an international conference in Warsaw, Poland, March 8 sponsored by the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. Entitled “Direct to Internationalization: How to Attract American Students to Polish Universities,” the conference explored means of encouraging students from the United States to participate in a full course of study at Polish institutions of higher education. Among those who attended are: Georgette Mosbacher, the U.S. ambassador to Poland; Jaroslaw Gowin, the minister of science and higher education in Poland, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Poland.

“How to attract American students to Polish universities?” as the topic of the latest direct to Internationalization meeting

University of South Carolina Beaufort
Fulbright, International