'The Pen' Wins First Place from American Scholastic Press Association

”The Blue Issue”
The Pen is USCB’s student-led creative writing and art magazine published each semester by the Society of Creative Writers. Its hard-working staff have outdone themselves by earning a first place award from American Scholastic Press Association for the fifth time.
“I couldn’t be happier or more proud of my students who work so hard to make our university’s creative writing journal worthy of national praise,” said Dr. Ellen Malphrus, Professor of English and Writer in Residence, who serves as faculty advisor for the Society.
The award was for The Flight Issue, which was published in Spring 2022. Editors Selena Menjivar, Sophia McKeehan, Mackenzie Ware, Robert-Nickell Bilgen, Patti Teter, and Samantha Derenthal produced the issue. USCB students from all majors contributed artwork, poetry, and prose for consideration for publication. Submissions are judged anonymously.
“Your publication shows the superior efforts of talented and creative editors, writers, artists, photographers, layout/graphics designers, staff members, contributors, and advisor,” the ASPA wrote in its award letter to USCB.
The Pen received high marks in the categories of content coverage, organization, design, presentation, and creativity.
By submitting work to The Pen and producing it, students learn the fundamentals of publishing and creative writing, proofreading and editing, and design and composition, while promoting and supporting a community of young writers at the university.
For more information about The Pen, submission guidelines and to read the latest issue, visit: https://academics.uscb.edu/etais/english/thepen/index.html