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Dr. Mercer R. Brugler Awarded a Voting Seat on Advisory Council for Proposed Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary

Dr. M with JellyfishDr. Mercer R. Brugler, Associate Professor of Marine Biology at USCB, has been chosen for the pre-designation Hudson Canyon Sanctuary Advisory Council’s (SAC) only voting research/science seat.

Dr. Mercer R. Brugler, Associate Professor of Marine Biology for the Department of Natural Sciences at USCB, has been awarded a science/research voting seat on the advisory council for the proposed Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary.

Exciting developments are underway as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) seeks to designate this new national marine sanctuary off the coasts of New York and New Jersey.

The proposed sanctuary holds tremendous potential: the bio-diverse haven of Hudson Canyon boasts a vital habitat for protected and sensitive species, including sperm whales, sea turtles, and deep-sea corals. With its susceptibility to ocean acidification and oxygen depletion, safeguarding Hudson Canyon is paramount to preserving this fragile ecosystem. Establishing a National Marine Sanctuary there would help NOAA raise awareness about the importance of ocean conservation and promote sustainable use of marine resources.

Dr. Brugler worked to bring the public's attention to Hudson Canyon through his role as a Research Associate at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. He joins 14 other voting members and 15 alternates on the new council, which represents a diverse range of community interests. Additionally, 10 government agencies are part of the council in a non-voting capacity. These individuals and agencies will provide valuable advice to NOAA and act as liaisons between the proposed sanctuary and their respective communities.

In addition, he has been studying black corals in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (NW Gulf of Mexico) since 2005, which has given him “a unique perspective into how National Marine Sanctuaries are created and expanded.”

Dr. Brugler said he is thrilled to have been chosen for the pre-designation Hudson Canyon Sanctuary Advisory Council’s (SAC) only research/science seat.

Map Bathymetric map of Hudson Canyon, created by Dr. Vicki Ferrini, Sr. Research Scientist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

Read more about the Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary here: