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Commencement Student Speaker: Jack Weaverling

Commencment speechJack Weaverling ’23 has heard many times that he has a soothing voice, and this will be an advantage in his new career. 

Weaverling, who spoke at the University of South Carolina Beaufort’s December 2023 commencement ceremony, plans to work in mental health counseling — a field where a calm, sure voice is a plus.

That voice rang out strong from the podium on USCB’s Bluffton campus on Dec. 16, where Weaverling gave a heartfelt address to his fellow students, their families, invited guests, and USCB faculty and staff. Seated in rows of white folding chairs on the lawn in front of the university’s library, they listened to his story and the life lessons he has drawn from his experiences.

Weaverling’s path to earning his bachelor’s degree in psychology wasn’t typical. He started college right after high school but left shortly thereafter for personal and financial reasons. He moved to Rockhill, S.C. In his commencement speech, he said, “I did what every college dropout does —I moved home and joined a heavy metal band!”

Later, a stint at technical college netted him an internship that turned into a 10-year career as an engineering technician — but no degree. As he assumed more responsibilities at the engineering firm, Weaverling felt a growing desire to own his own business. He ended up owning two: a spa that offered sensory deprivation therapy and a home improvement franchise.

He credits the relationships he built with spa clients for rekindling his interest in psychology and the helping professions.

“After their sessions, many of them felt relaxed enough to enter into deep and open conversations with me,” Weaverling said. 

Now 37, Weaverling had a wife and a son when he reached out to USCB’s Psychology department to find out what he’d need to do to get back in school. Dr. Cindy Lahar, degree coordinator, told him about USCB’s Palmetto College offerings and suggested that these online courses might be a good fit for him.

“I was lucky to be able to do all my classes online,” he said. “I didn’t have to waste time commuting. I could use that extra time to do my schoolwork.”

USCB faculty noticed Weaverling’s dedication. Psychology instructor Angela Nadeau nominated him to be the Commencement speaker, calling him an excellent student who is authentically and deeply committed to learning and discovery.

“He will be an exceptional clinician who will lead with heart, compassion and healing,” she wrote.

Weaverling’s message at commencement was about the power of purpose, action, and sacrifice in pursuing what is meaningful.  He shared how these principles helped him earn his undergraduate degree, do well on the GRE and apply to a master’s program at Winthrop University that will prepare him to be a counselor.  

“When you find that thing that lights up your soul again and again, chase it with everything you have.  Follow it like a beacon to your future… because it just might be,” he said.

Jack with his wife AshleyJack Weaverling ‘23 and his wife Ashley. Weaverling spoke at USCB’s Dec. 16 Commencement ceremony.