Brian Canada, PhD
Chair, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics
Professor of Computational Science

I am a Professor of Computational Science and Chair of the Department of Computer Science & Mathematics at the University of South Carolina Beaufort, where I have served as a faculty member since 2011. I'm a computational biologist by training; I hold a PhD in Integrative Biosciences with an option in Bioinformatics and Genomics as well as a graduate minor in Computational Science from Penn State University, where my dissertation focused on the automatic detection and characterization of morphological abnormalities in mutant zebrafish using machine learning and image processing. In addition, I hold a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, also from Penn State. Between my undergraduate and graduate years I worked as an engineer in the chemical process industry, chiefly for ExxonMobil.
My research has been published in various ACM and IEEE conference proceedings, the Springer journal Multimedia Tools & Applications, the Wolters Kluwer Arbitration Blog, as well as a major book chapter on crustacean biodiversity from Oxford University Press. In addition, I am the creator of the award-winning South Carolina folklore-themed indie video game Bugs 'N Boo Hags, which was successfully funded via Kickstarter in 2019, is currently available for Windows PCs on Steam Early Access, and is presently being reworked as a deluxe edition for mobile devices.
At USCB, I presently teach a number of undergraduate, graduate, and interdisciplinary courses related to object-oriented programming in Java, the digital humanities, full-stack software engineering and testing, agile practices in video game production, and high-performance computing.
- Education
- Teaching
- Research
PhD in Integrative Biosciences (Option in Bioinformatics & Genomics, Minor in Computational Science), Penn State University, 2010
BS in Chemical Engineering (Option in Energy & Fuels Engineering), Penn State University, 1999
- CSCI B101 - Introduction to Computer Concepts
- CSCI B102 - Introduction to HTML & CSS
- CSCI B150 - Introduction to Computational Science
- CSCI/ISAT B145 - Object-Oriented Programming I (formerly Java & Algorithm Design I)
- CSCI/ISAT B146 - Object-Oriented Programming II (formerly Algorithmic Design II)
- CSCI B255 - Introduction to Computational Biology
- CSXE B290 - Thermodynamics
- CSCI B320 - Database Management Systems I
- CSCI B321 - Data-Driven Applications Development
- CSCI B399 - Independent Study
- CSCI B409 / ARTS B395 - Agile Practices in Video Game Production
- CSCI B409 / IDST B439 - Introduction to Digital Humanities
- CSCI B422 - Data Mining
- CSCI B469 - High Performance Computing (Undergraduate)
- CSCI/ISAT B470 - Software System Process & Management
- CSCI B500 - Practical Computing for Computational Science
- CSCI B569 - High Performance Computing (Graduate)
- CSCI B570 - Software System Design & Implementation
- CSCI B699 - Industrial/Research Internship
- CSCI B797 - Research Project
- CSCI B799 - Master's Thesis
- Exploration of Cultural Heritage in the Digital Humanities
- Tangential Learning in Video Games
- Application of Data Analytics to Knowledge Domains Ranging from Biology to Law