Gain experience through internships
Internships and cooperative education experiences ("co-ops") provide valuable real world experience for University of South Carolina Beaufort students studying Computational Science (CSCI) and Information Science & Technology (ISAT). They provide hands-on experience in work environments, allowing students to apply their knowledge, learn practical skills, and develop professionally. ISAT students are required to find and complete at least one internship or co-op assignment before graduating, and CSCI students are strongly encouraged to seek out such opportunities as well. Students can earn course credit for internships by taking ISAT B499 (for undergraduates) and CSCI B699 (for graduate students).
USCB's Computer Science faculty work together with USCB's Office of Career Services to help students identify and apply for competitive national internships and for local opportunities to gain practical experience and build their professional network. Students who take advantage of these internship opportunities are more competitive in the job market and when applying for post-graduate programs.
In addition to industrial internships and co-ops, a recent partnership with the local 14th S.C. District solicitor's office provided students with an opportunity to solve cybercrime by investigating data stored on cell phones. This internship helped our students develop their technical expertise in forensic analysis and provided them with an understanding of the legal aspects of cybercrime investigations.
Students from USCB have completed internships and/or found full-time employment at
the following companies, just to name a few:
- Bank of America
- BenefitFocus
- Blue Acorn
- BlueCross BlueShield
- Boeing
- BoomTown!
- CapGemini
- Fidelity Investments
- Gulfstream
- International Business Machines (IBM)
- Lockheed Martin
- Oracle
- Optum
- Raytheon
- Reynolds American
- Savannah River National Laboratory
- SwampFox
- United Healthcare
- Vanguard
- Volvo
USCB Computer Science students Ruby Manzanares, Joseph Knight and Nithish Dirisipamu
spent 5 months as interns at the 14th Circuit Solicitor’s Office, helping analysts,
investigators and prosecutors with digital forensics.