Earn a Minor in Film Studies at USCB
The University of South Carolina Beaufort's minor in film studies program offers students
a comprehensive understanding of the art and history of cinema. Through this program,
students will explore the evolution of film as a storytelling medium and learn how
to analyze and critique cinematic works. The interdisciplinary curriculum combines
courses from various departments, including literature, history, and art, to provide
a well-rounded education in film studies. Additionally, students will have opportunities
to participate in film screenings, discussions, and other related events on campus.
This program is perfect for students interested in pursuing careers in the film industry
or simply for those who have a passion for cinema.
The Interdisciplinary Minor in Film Studies requires 18 credits:
- ENGL B180: Introduction to Film
- LBST B297: Interdisciplinary Research Methods (3 credits, offered each Fall, Summer, and Spring)
- 12 credits from three different disciplines.
(The following courses below always count toward the minor. In addition, other courses from various disciplines may be advertised on a semester-by-semester basis that are approved by the Interdisciplinary Studies program to meet the requirements for the minor.)
- ENGL B472/THEA B472, ENGL B481
- MART B102, MART B210, MART B250, MART B310, MART B350, MART B410, MART B481,
- PHIL B363/IDST B363
- SPAN B380
- THEA B170, THEA B201, THEA B333, THEA B370
Jeffrey McQuillen, MA
Instructor of English
Advisor for Interdisciplinary Studies
Interdisciplinary Minor in Film Studies Coordinator
One University Boulevard