Student Exhibitions

Studio Art Students Create Exceptional Work at USCB

The University of South Carolina Beaufort recognizes outstanding student achievements in Studio Art. The work of these artists embodies inventive and innovative use of technique, materials and concepts Sand Shark artists excel in Types of artwork and projects included in ceramics,graphic design, painting, printmaking, sculpture, drawing, and digital media.

Annual Juried Student Exhibition


2023 PBC Art Exhibition

Annually, each institution in the NCAA’s Peach Belt Conference was invited to submit digital images of two-dimensional or three-dimensional artwork by their students and faculty. Submitted images of artworks will be shown in a slideshow presentation at the sites of the 2023 Peach Belt Conference Basketball Tournament Championships.

1st Place - "Human Barnacle" by Tatiana Zalapskaia, USCB, Ceramic Sculpture.Human Barnacle Sculpture


Outstanding Student Art 2021-22