Sea Islands Center Gallery

Fragile Oceans, Tidalectics and Altered Environments

Tidaletics and Altered Environments PosterYou are invited!
For a two-in-one reception honoring two exhibitions: 
April Flanders and Eveline Kolijn "Fragile Oceans" and "Tidalectics" and "Altered Environments."
Print portfolios curated by April Flanders and Eveline Kolijn

Friday, February 28th, 2025
5:00pm - 6:00pm

USCB Center for the Arts
805 Carteret Street
Beaufort, SC
6:00pm - 7:00pm
USCB Sea Islands Center Gallery
1106 Carteret Street
Beaufort, SC

USCB Sea Islands Center Gallery, 1106 Carteret Street, Beaufort SC 29901. April Flanders, Fragile Depths, 2019 monotype, screenprint, cut paper, collage 15" x 11". Eveline Kolijn, Coral Phages: Guardians of the Host or Mediators of Infection? Photopolymer and Zinc Etching, Chine-Collé, 33x48 cm, 2020. Artists April Flanders and Eveline Kolijn will be in residency at the USCB Printmaking Studio, 602 Carteret Street in Beaufort from Monday Feb 24th through Thursday February 27th working on their own work and with USCB Studio Art and Marine Science students. The public is welcome to visit the studio in small groups weekdays between 2:00pm and 4:00pm. For more information, contact Joanna Angell at


2024 USCB Visual Art Faculty Exhibition

2024 USCB Visual Art Faculty Exchibition ExamplesOPENING RECEPTION: October 2nd  5:30pm - 7:30pm
USCB Sea Islands Center Gallery 1106 Carteret Street  Beaufort South Carolina  29902

Please JOIN US in celebrating the work of our participating Studio Art Faculty: Joanna Angell, Emma Barnes, Laurie Lovell, and Jim Sidletsky.

Exhibition dates: September 18th - October 23rd
The public is welcome to attend!

For more information, email

Contact Us

The current director of the Sea Islands Center Gallery is Professor Joanna Angell.

Office: 843-521-4115
1106 Carteret St, Beaufort, SC 29902

USCB SSAB Facebook  Facebook: Sea Islands Center Gallery