

Philosophy Studying

Study Philosophy

Philospophy at USCB is offered as a minor for students majoring in other academic disciplines. Our philosophy coursework will help you gain a broad understanding of the human condition and develop critical thinking and organizational skills for creative problem-solving. Philosophy is considered good preparation for law school and medical school. Our philosophy students also go on to careers in business, management, policy analysis, real estate, law and health care, among others.


I Know That I Know Nothing

Faculty for Philosophy

Minor in Philosophy at USCB

Students who are majoring in other disciplines may choose to minor in Philosophy. The required courses to complete a minor in Philosophy are: 

Prerequisites: PHIL B110 or B111 (which may also be taken to satisfy a General Education requirement). Two courses in the history of philosophy, one course in philosophical ethics or aesthetics, and two elective courses in philosophy at the 300+ level.

Students are strongly encouraged to consult their advisor before declaring a minor. 

Contact Us

Murray W. Skees, PhD

Faculty Development Coordinator
Assistant Professor, Philosophy

Office: 843-521-3148
Grayson House 104
801 Carteret Street
Beaufort, SC 29902
Murray W. Skees, PhD