Major in Psychology at USCB
USCB's Bachelor of Arts in Psychology features courses in social, developmental and clinical psychology, as well as a number of humanities and social sciences courses. Other core psychology courses include research methods in psychology, psychological statistics, and biological psychology. Numerous elective courses are offered such as positive psychology, human sexual behavior, forensic psychology, child psychology, sport psychology, community psychology and many other special topics. Psychology majors may also complete internships that give them hands-on experience in clinical and community settings.
Minor in Psychology at USCB
Students who are majoring in other disciplines may choose to minor in Psychology. The required courses to complete a minor in Psychology are:
PSYC B101, three PSYC courses from PSYC B302, B311, B321, B331, B341, B361, B401, B451, and two PSYC courses numbered 210 or above (one course only of which may include PSYC B399, B498, or B499).
Students are strongly encouraged to consult their advisor before declaring a minor.
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