Advisory Council

USCB Human Services Advisory Council

The USCB Human Services Advisory Council reflects a cross-section of the public and private sector organizations who represent the multi-dimensional needs and interests of the community in defining and maintaining the quality of life in Beaufort County.  Members of this Council provide invaluable support our program in the following ways:

  • Provide feedback regarding local, state and national trends and needs;
  • Recommend program and policy enhancements;
  • Provide internship opportunities when possible; and
  • Serve as community advocate for the program.


Ben Boswell           

Director, Beaufort County Human Services Department

Ben Boswell

Ben has over a decade of experience in government administration, strategic planning, and community engagement, specializing in implementing collective impact frameworks to drive positive change and advance equity.

Kristin Dubrowski, MNM

CEO, Hopeful Horizons

Kristin Dubrowski, MNM

Kristin is CEO of Hopeful Horizons, the local children’s advocacy, domestic violence and sexual assault victim services organization. Kristin previously taught Leadership and Professional Ethics for the Human Service Program from 2009-2012. She serves on the SC Crime Victim Advisory Board and the SC Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers’ Board and chairs the Lowcountry Continuum of Care Governing Council.

John Leadem

Internship Program Coordinator, USCB Department of Public Health & Human Services

John Leadem

As a faculty member of the Human Services Advisory Council, it gives me a great deal of personal and professional satisfaction to be affiliated with such an brilliant team. The dedication and enthusiasm of the Council’s members contribute greatly to the excellence of the HMSV program at USCB, and their experience in community service impacts positively on our experiential learning initiatives.

Jaala Miller

Boys & Girls Club, Bluffton Unit Director

Jaala Miller

Jaala was raised in the Lowcountry and with over 25 years in the BGC movement through being a Youth Development Professional, Teen Director, Program Director and currently the Unit Director, it is Jaala's passion to serve the youth in her community. Jaala is responsible for building the Professional Youth Developers who impact the lives of the club members and ensure that the 3 priority outcomes (Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles and Good Character and Citizenship) are met through the club programs. Jaala has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a Major in Liberal Studies from the University of South Carolina and has a double Master's degree in Education and Organizational Management from Ashford University.

Letisha Scotland          

Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Director for the Lowcountry Council of Governments

Letisha Scotland

Tish has served as the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Director for the Lowcountry Council of Governments since January of 2020. Having stepped into the position just a couple of months before the beginning of the COVID epidemic, she has had to practice pivoting and adjusting quickly in order to ensure that the Lowcountry region, comprised of Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties, was served to the best of the AAA’s ability. Tish is passionate about helping others and believes that it is her purpose to live a life that benefits others. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina with a BA in Organizational Leadership. She has over 20 years of Human Services experience, and firmly believes that there is always something new to learn and always room for growth.


Lakinsha "Keke" Swinton   

Director of Employee Services / Title IX Coordinator, Beaufort County School District

Lakinsha "Keke" Swinton

Current Director of Employee Services/ Title IX Coordinator for Beaufort County School District, KeKe is in her 19th year with the District, having served in various roles throughout that time from Student Services to Human Resources, ensuring that human services support is available to students and staff across the district. She is completing a PhD in Human Services through Walden University. Keke greatly appreciate being a part of the USCB Human Services Advisory Council and looks forward to supporting the program's continued growth!


Christina Wilson          

Executive Director, Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA)

Christina Wilson

Christina received her undergraduate education in Financial Management from Clemson University and attended South University for her graduate studies in Public Administration. After a fifteen-year career as a real estate paralegal, Christina made the shift to child welfare management for deeply personal reasons. After a twelve-year journey through the Florida child welfare system as a foster mother, a relative care provider and eventually an adoptive parent, she recognized that this country’s abused and neglected children needed a louder voice. She was given the opportunity to be that voice in her own hometown as director of CAPA. Christina currently resides in Beaufort, SC with her husband Jason. They have two sons and three daughters; one of whom is awaiting them in Heaven. Last year Jason and Christina got promoted to grandparents; the best job ever. Christina will always carry the mission of adoption and fostering close to her heart and is thrilled to share her family’s experience with anyone who will listen.