New Student Orientation Process

Transfer Student Orientation Process

For all transfer and change of campus students taking in-person classes.

Online Orientation Module Step 1. Sand Shark 100. Required for all incoming students

Step 1 - Module

The Sand Shark 100 Module will be available for completion for incoming Fall 2025 students on Thursday, May 1st after 5:00pm. Students starting in Summer 2025 can email to get their summer schedule, but will need to complete the Sand Shark 100 Module Prior to receiving their fall schedule.


log into sand shark 100 module- Available May 1st 2025

If you have any issues navigating Sand Shark 100 this video should help you troubleshoot any issues. Please note that the module works best on a laptop/desktop computer, using Google Chrome as your browser. If you are having issues with the module functioning properly, please clear your cookies and cache in Chrome. You may also need to reboot your computer. If issues persist, please contact Blackboard Support at 803-777-1800.

If you still have questions, email

After completing this module and your Next Steps Checklist the Office of Advising and Academic Support will create your course schedule starting November 15. Please allow 5 business days after completing the module to get your course schedule. Once your schedule is created, you will have the opportunity to meet with an advisor either in-person or virtually to make any necessary changes. 

Students will only receive a schedule after completing the module if they do not have holds preventing registration. Common holds incoming students have are due to missing:

  • immunization documentation
  • citizenship verification
  • high school and college transcripts

Check your Fins Up Portal Checklist to verify that none of these items are missing!

Transfer students are not required to do a math placement exam unless they are not transferring in an approved college level math. The math placement exam appears at the end of the Module, in the optional/supplementary materials section. Advising will reach out to you about taking the placement exam if you choose to skip it and you do not have a transfer course that meets the requirement.

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Boot Camp

Step 2 - Boot Camp

Have additional questions after completing Sand Shark 100? Join us either in-person or virtually for a series of workshops that take a deeper dive into the information students and families need to start their Sand Shark experience with confidence. Our Optional Summer Orientation Program, Sand Shark Bootcamp will expand on what was learned during Sand Shark 100 and allow students and families to work with USCB staff members to get their questions answered.

full details about sand shark boot camp

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Transfer Shark School Banner

Step 3 - Shark School Transfer

Shark School is required for all new transfer students or change of campus students taking in-person classes. This 2 hour in-person orientation session will give students the tools they need to successfully transition into college life at USCB and face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Transfer Student Orientation Classroom

Transfer Students will choose from two Transfer Shark School Sessions that best suite their specific needs:

Sunday, August 17th from 6:00-8:00 PM- Bluffton Campus- Campus Center 106

Monday, August 18th from 6:00-8:00 PM- Bluffton Campus- Campus Center 106

Transfer Shark School Agenda

Transfer Shark School Agenda, Welcome, Community Building, Campus Resources, Policies and Procedures, Classroom Technology, and Classroom Expectations

Questions about the New Student Orientation Process? Email for support.

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