Are You New to USCB?
The Office of New Student and Transition Programs was created to help new students - both freshman and those transferring from other academic institutions - become oriented and have a smooth entry into life as a Sand Shark. Its services include:
University B101 Programs
The University B101 programs support first-year students to help them thrive at USCB. Students will learn academic success skills, about overall well-being, and how to get involved on campus. More information can be found here.
New Student Tool Kit
Being a new student can be confusing. There are so many forms, policies, and resources you need to be aware of before you even come to campus. The New Student Tool Kit is your guide to all things USCB.
Family Programs
Family Programs at USCB offers support to people who helped our students make it to USCB. College is a big transition both for students and families. We want all of our families to have the resources they need to help their students thrive.
New Student Orientation
All new students are required to participate in Fall New Student Orientation before classes begin. The Office of New Student and Transition Programs also provides opportunities for new students to check items off their registration checklist over the summer during Sand Shark Registration Days. For more information about both events click here.
Laura Bessent, M.Ed.
Director of New Student and Transition Programs

Become an Orientation Leader
Interested in helping new Sand Sharks transition to USCB? The Office of New Student and Transition Programs hires Orientation Leaders every fall to work with our new students to make their first weeks at USCB awesome! If you are interested in applying to become an Orientation Leader, you can learn about the position here.