The USC Beaufort Office of Accounts Payable adheres to state and federal regulations and follows the University of South Carolina Policies and Procedures, the full listing of which can be accessed here. Where applicable, USC Beaufort policies and procedures may be more restrictive. Please refer to the alphabetical listing below for current policies.
Account Codes, Descriptions, Procedure for Giving an E-Fund
Capitalization, Guidelines
Cash Advance, FINA 2.19
Cellular and Wireless Telephone Devices, FINA 7.08
Consumable Items, BUSA 7.05
Gratuities, Guidelines
Contract & Grants - Cost Sharing, FINA 3.03
Contract & Grants - Participant Support, FINA 3.06
Contract & Grants - Restricted Funds, FINA 3.00
Dues (Club Membership and Dues), FINA 7.07
Dues (Employee Association/ Professional Dues), BUSA 7.06
Honorariums and Royalties, FINA 2.13
Indirect Cost Recovery, Pol 613
Intra-Institutional Transfers (Within USC), FINA 2.06
Object of Expenditure Classification Codes, FINA 2.00
Travel - Domestic, Pol 600 (BUSF 1.00)
Travel - Foreign, Pol 601 (BUSF 1.00)