Managing USCB's Built Environment
Welcome to USCB’s office of Facilities Services. Our mission is to create, support, and enhance safe, sustainable, and inspiring facilities for use by students, faculty, staff and the community. Facilities Services focuses on customer service to providing best in class service. Facilities Services is responsible for planning and managing the University’s resources and physical environment, and we take pride in meeting these challenges with hard work, innovation and sustainability.
For instructions on how to submit a work order, check the submitting and reviewing requests guide.
USCB Works With Valued Vendor Partners
Auxiliary Services provides products and non-academic services to the university through contractual relationships with vendors. At USCB, specific auxiliary services include:
- Vending
- Dining
- Mail Room
- Campus Store
Sand Shark Shuttle Schedule
Contact Us About our Auxiliary Services
Charlie Gancio
Director of Auxiliary Services
Bluffton, SC 29909