Federal Work-Study provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students
with financial need. If eligible for the Federal Work-Study Program you can find employment right on campus or in partner community organizations. Eligibility
is determined by your FAFSA information.
Login to your Self-Service Carolina Account and view your Financial Aid Information.
If you are offered FWS, you will receive FWS information on the available jobs on
Indicated interest when completing the FAFSA.
You can also contact the USCB Office of Career Services to learn about other on and off-campus employment options in our area. You can learn
more about the jobs posted for our students at: www.collegecentral.com/uscb, the USCB Career Services online job board.
For more information about off-campus employment options, please contact Teagan O'Connor
at teagano@uscb.edu or by calling the Office of Career Services at 843-208-8263.