Welcome Veterans, Spouses and Military Dependents.
Veterans, their spouses and children must apply to USCB and be accepted into a degree seeking program to receive benefits.
Veterans Education Benefits Policy | Veterans Education Benefit Programs | Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 | DOD Voluntary Education Partnership | University of South Carolina Beaufort's Veterans Affairs Forms

Veterans and their dependents must also apply to VA for their benefits. Apply at GI Bill® website - www.gibill.va.gov. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.
Veterans Education Benefits Policy
Veterans and their dependents can apply for Federal Student Aid and USCB Institutional Scholarships in conjunction with VA benefits. Seeing a complete picture of aid options helps students make an informed decision on how to best utilize VA benefits as part of college financing.
The USCB does not require eligible students to use their Post-9/11 GI Bill® and/or Yellow Ribbon benefits to pay for college. USCB offers aid based on financial need. Students can first apply for financial aid to determine eligibility for federal and institutional funding prior to utilizing VA benefits. However, you must start this process early. The FAFSA becomes available every year on October 1st and our priority date is March 1st.
Students who choose to utilize their Post-9/11 GI Bill® and/or Yellow Ribbon benefits should still complete the FAFSA application as receiving VA benefits does not impact a student’s eligibility for Federal Student Aid such as Federal Direct Loans and Pell Grants.
For further information about the Types of Financial Aid available at the University, please visit our webpage.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Veterans Education Benefit Programs
Chapter 30:
Montgomery G.I. Bill®
This program provides educational benefits to individuals that served on active duty. To apply, complete VA Application 22-1990 online at: http://www.VA.gov.
Chapter 31:
Vocational Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
Vocational Readiness for Service-Disabled Veterans. This program is for individuals who have a compensable service connected disability and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs determines that training and rehabilitation services are needed to overcome an employment handicap. To apply, complete VA Application 28-1900 at: http://www.benefits.va.gov/VOCREHAB/.
Chapter 33:
New Post 9/11 G.I. Bill®
This program is for individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill®. The Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® will become effective for training on or after August 1, 2009. To apply, complete VA Application 22-1990 online at: http://www.VA.gov.
Yellow Ribbon Program for Veterans
The Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program (Yellow Ribbon Program) is a provision
of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. This program allows
institutions of higher learning (degree granting institutions) in the United States
to voluntarily enter into an agreement with VA to fund tuition expenses that exceed
the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition rate. The institution can contribute
up to 50% of those expenses and VA will match the same amount as the institution.
The University of South Carolina Beaufort has agreed to accept an unlimited number
of applicants who are eligible for the Post 9/11 (Ch. 33) benefit at the 100% rate.
No application required.
Click here for more information.
Chapter 35:
Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA)
This program is for dependents (spouse or children) of individuals who die or are permanently disabled from service connected causes. To apply, complete VA Application 22-5490 online at: http://www.VA.gov
Chapter 1606:
Montgomery G.I. Bill® – Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)
This program is available to members of the Selected Reserve, including the National Guard. To apply, complete VA Application 22-1990 online at: http://www.VA.gov. The form DD2384 (NOBE) is required.
Chapter 1607:
Montgomery G.I. Bill® – Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
A Department of Defense education benefit developed to provide benefits for Reservists called to active duty after September 11, 2011 in response to a war or national emergency, as determined by the President or Congress. A member of a reserve component must have served at least 90 consecutive days or more regardless of duty status. To apply, complete VA Application 22-1990 online at: http://www.VA.gov. The form DD2384 (NOBE) is required.
South Carolina Free Tuition for Children of Certain War Veterans, Police Officers, Firemen or Rescue Workers
Children of deceased or 100% disabled Veterans, who were killed or disabled during military service, can attend any SC State supported institutions up until their 26th birthday and pay no tuition. Fees still apply. Applications are available on the SCDVA website at the link below.
Children of deceased or 100% disabled police officers, firemen, or rescue workers, who were killed or disabled while on duty, can go to any SC State supported institution for a total of four years and pay no tuition. Fees still apply. Contact our Cashier's Office to apply at 843.208.8008.
Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018
VA Pending Payment Compliance
USCB Policy for the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018.
This policy complies with Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e) School Compliance
Form. This policy pertains to a Covered Individual, which is any individual who is
entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment, or Chapter 33, Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits.
USCB will permit any Covered Individual to attend or participate in the course of
education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides
to the educational institution a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for entitlement
to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33 and ending on the earlier of the
following dates:
- The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
- 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.
Note: A Certificate of Eligibility can also include a Statement of Benefits obtained from
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website, e-Benefits, or VAF 28-1905 Form for
Chapter 31 authorization purposes.
USCB will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial
of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or require that
a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of
the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution
due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under Chapter 31 or 33. Our policy
requires the covered individual to take the following actions:
- Submit a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or VAF 28-1905 for entitlement for educational assistance no later than the first day of a course of education.
- Complete our Veteran Certification Form each semester to use such entitlement.
- Provide additional information necessary to the proper certification of enrollment by the educational institution such as: the Change in the Place of Training or Program Form (VAF 22-1995 or 22-5495), USCB’s Statement of Understanding Form and Prior Credit Form, etc.
USCB will not drop any Covered Individual after the Financial Aid/VA Office receives
a copy of the VAF-28-1905 or receives a Chapter 33 Post 911 COE who does not have
additional charges such as housing, meal plans, or anything above the Tuition and
Fees. The Covered Individual will not be dropped if VA covers 100% of tuition and
basic fees. If extra charges such as housing or meal plans have not been paid or a
payment arrangement not made with the Cashier’s Office, that student may be dropped
for lack of a payment.
USCB reserves the right to require an additional payment or impose a fee for the amount
that is the difference between the amount of the student’s financial obligation and
the amount of the VA education benefit disbursement. If VA does not pay the institution,
the student is responsible for ALL debts resulting from reductions or terminations
of the student’s enrollment, even if the payment was submitted directly to the school
on the student’s behalf.
Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership
The University of South Carolina Beaufort follows SOPs and DoD regulations when processing voluntary education benefits for service members.
Recruiting, Marketing, and Advertising
The University of South Carolina Beaufort maintains the highest integrity to ensure we refrain from providing commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including Tuition Assistance funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance. Additionally, University of South Carolina Beaufort will not use high-pressure recruitment tactics to enroll students. University of South Carolina Beaufort follows the regulations set forth by the Department of Education (34 C.F.R 668.71-668.75 and 668.14).
Pre-Enrollment Information
University of South Carolina Beaufort ensures that staff members follow the Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Additionally, the institution directs Service members to speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their Military Service prior to enrolling the student in the institution.
Per DoD MOU paragraph 4.d.
Approved Courses. If an eligible Service member decides to use TA, educational institutions will enroll him or her only after the TA is approved by the individual’s Service. Service members will be solely responsible for all tuition costs without this prior approval. This requirement does not prohibit an educational institution from pre-registering a Service member in a course in order to secure a slot in the course. If the Service member enrolls before the appropriate Service approves Military TA, then the Service member could be responsible for the tuition. All Military TA must be requested and approved prior to the start date of the course. The Military TA is approved on a course-by-course basis and only for the specific course(s) and class dates that a Service member requests. If a military student “self-identifies” their eligibility and the Service has not approved the funding, then the Service member will be solely responsible for all tuition costs, not the Service.
Financial Matters
Point of Contact
University of South Carolina Beaufort’s Financial Aid/VA Director is the point of contact and sets management controls in place to ensure that a financial aid advisor and /or loan coordinator is trained and qualified prior to the offering, recommending, arranging, signing-up, or enrolling Service Members for federal or private student loans.
All University of South Carolina Beaufort students, including Service Members, are able to access our Financial Aid and Scholarship website to learn more about financial aid and scholarships at the University of South Carolina Beaufort.
Student Cohort Default Rate
University of South Carolina Beaufort student loan Cohort Default Rate is located on the Financial Aid web page under the Loan section. In compliance with Federal Requirements and the Department of Defense, if USCB’s Cohort Default Rate (CDR) exceeds the national average CDR, USCB will disclose this information and provide its students with the loan repayment data. The Cohort Default Rate is updated on a yearly basis. To learn more about the University of South Carolina Beaufort’s Cohort Default rate, visit the Federal Student Aid Default Rates web page.
Unearned TA Funds Policy
University of South Carolina Beaufort’s policy for refunds (Title IV, TA funds, and other payments) can be found at this link.
University of South Carolina Beaufort's Veterans Affairs Forms
- Veterans Certification Form
- Prior Credit Memo Form for Bachelor's Degree-Seeking Students
- Prior Credit Memo Form for Associate's Degree-Seeking Students
- Statement of Understanding
Military Scholarships
- Army Emergency Relief - Spouse
- Army Emergency Relief - Dependent Children
- Scholarships for Military Children
- Military.com
- Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
- Air Force Aid Society
Useful Links and Websites
- GI Bill® Website: https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/
- Applying for Benefits: https://www.vets.gov/education/apply/#modal
- GI Bill® Calculator – Calculate Your Benefits: http://www.newgibill.org/calculate-your-benefits
- WAVE (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment): https://gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do
- Benefits: https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/homepage
- SC Application for Free Tuition for Certain War Veterans' Children: click here
- Vocational Rehab: https://www.benefits.va.gov/vocrehab/index.asp
- Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents: https://www.va.gov/opa/publications/benefits_book.asp
- Enrollment Verification Guide: https://benefits.va.gov/gibill/docs/isaksonroe/1010_ihl_process.pdf
- Rebuild DD214: https://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records
- Request Military Documents: https://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records
- General Army Educational Information: https://www.goarmy.com/benefits/while-you-serve/education-training
- Alternative Army Educational Programs: https://www.goarmyed.com/
- National Guard: https://www.nationalguard.com/education
- The Army's Transcript Service: https://jst.doded.mil/official.html
- myPay: Manage your Pay Information, Leave & Earning Statements, W-2s and more. mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx
- The Fund for Veterans' Education:
Provides scholarships to veterans who served in Afghanistan or Iraq since September 11, 2001. www.veteransfund.org - Payment Questions Chaps. 30, 35 & 1606, Muskogee, Oklahoma Regional Office: (888) 442-455
- Payment Questions Chap. 31, Columbia Regional Office: (800) 827-1000
- South Carolina State Tuition Waiver Columbia: (803) 255-4317
- Debt Management Due to Overpayment Chaps. 30, 35 & 1606: (800) 227-0648