Group Fitness


Group Fitness Classes
Spring 2025

Yoga  |  5:15pm – 6:00pm  |  Alicia | Rec Center - Group Fitness Studio
Yoga | 6:00pm -7:00pm | Brianna | 1100 Boundary

Zumba  |  5:45pm – 6:30pm  |  Lauren | Rec Center - Group Fitness Studio
Yoga | 7:00 - 8:00pm | Erin | Rec Center - Group Fitness Studio

Sculpt Fusion | 4:00pm - 4:30pm  |  Lauren | Rec Center - Group Fitness Studio

Pole Fitness | 6:00pm - 6:45pm | Anna | Rec Center - Group Fitness Studio*
Pole Fitness | 6:45pm - 7:30pm | Anna | Rec Center - Group Fitness Studio*
Zumba | 5:00pm - 5:45pm | Lauren | 1100 Boundary
*Pole Fitness and Zumba take place on the last Thursday of each month: January 30, February 27, March 27, April 24*
*Signup required for Pole Fitness - register here.

Fitness On Demand

The Fitness On Demand (FOD) platform is available on both the Bluffton (Group Fitness Studio) and Beaufort (1100 Boundary) campuses. FOD is all about choice and convenience; digital fitness content and classes that can be selected at a time in your busy schedules that works best for you – or the ability to try a new workout or fitness activity before attending a live, instructor-led class.

Fitness On Demand - FLEX App

USCB faculty, staff, and students have access to hundreds of group fitness classes any time, from anywhere, using a phone, computer, or ipad via FLEX, the Fitness On Demand (FOD) app. The FOD app offers an extensive range of content suitable for at-home fitness, as well as workout challenges.  With a vast array of workouts suitable for various fitness levels, you can discover new routines and find the perfect workouts to meet your goals from the comfort of your own space.

Please check your USCB email for the login code or email

Interested in being a group fitness instructor?

Contact Lindsey Logue at