Share Your Knowledge & Expertise
We are always looking for people like you with amazing experiences, careers, and expertise. If you are interested in volunteering with the OLLI program, please contact us at 843-208-8247. We would love to speak with you about ways you can be involved.
Current Volunteer Positions (please click the link to fill out a volunteer form).
Program Feedback Data Entry
Class Check-in Assistant
OLLI Community Ambassador
Hybrid Class Host
Teach for OLLI
We invite you to teach a course in your area of expertise. All OLLI instructors are volunteers. If teaching is of interest, please submit your topic and contact information to A curriculum committee team member will follow up with you. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with OLLI members!
Instructor Policies for OLLI Courses
As an educational institution, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at USCB presents programs that are objective, unbiased and grounded in the evidence and scholarship pertinent to the topic. The objective is to help students understand a subject or issue, not to persuade them to accept a particular religious, philosophical or political position. Where the topic involves controversies or debates, the instructor should acknowledge competing interpretations and be respectful if students question or disagree with the instructor’s interpretation. As stated in the Code of Student Conduct, OLLI also expects students to avoid monopolizing discussion or undermining the instructor’s credibility and to be respectful in expressing their points of view.
OLLI requires instructors/presenters to comply with the following guidelines
- OLLI courses should not be used for the promotion of the instructor’s products or services.
- Self-promotion in the classroom undermines the credibility of our programs and/or could jeopardize OLLI’s non-profit status.
- There will be no promotion, selling or solicitation of business during OLLI classes of products or services.
Authors and their books
- Authors can have their books available for display or purchase after class if the book relates to the subject matter of the class.
Reasonable identification of presenter affiliation
- Presenters can identify their affiliation at the beginning and/or end of a class if that information helps to establish their bona fides in teaching the class. They also may have business cards available after class for those students desiring more information.
- There will be no distribution of materials during a class that promote a product or service. Instructors can have a reasonable amount of these materials available after class for students to pick-up if those materials relate to the subject matter.
PowerPoint slides
- Presentations may have a company identifier with a logo at the beginning and end, but company logos should not appear on any other slides.
OLLI class rosters will not to be used for solicitation purposes. Any information regarding OLLI members such as phone numbers, e-mail or mailing addresses are considered private information and not for release without specific permission by the member.
Violation of any of the guidelines above
The OLLI Director has the authority to suspend OLLI teaching privileges for any violation of these guidelines.
Any questions or requests for clarification of these guidelines should be directed to the OLLI Director, Andréa Sisino at or (843) 208-8249 .