Caps, Gowns & Honor Cords
Commencement regalia is made of a higher quality fabric that includes tabs embroidered with the shield of the University of South Carolina Beaufort. Regalia from USCB ceremonies prior to 2023 or regalia purchased from other USC system campuses may not match our current standard. Graduate candidates who are attending the Commencement ceremony must be wearing USCB approved regalia in order to participate.
Students, click here.
Faculty/Staff, click here.
Graduating Student Regalia
Grad Fest
If you're not wearing the correct regalia, you may not be able to walk.
Regalia may be ordered online here: For information regarding ordering regalia, please contact Kenyatta Porterfield at the Shark's Cove Campus Store. She can be reached at 843.208.8020 or
Information on USCB's Commencement Regalia/Stole/Cord policy can be found here.
Announcements and Class Rings
- Payment is due at the time Announcements or Class Rings are ordered, either at the Grad Fair or online.
- After the Grad Fair, Announcement or Class Ring orders must be submitted online at or call (877) 225-3687.
- All Class Rings will be delivered to your home address.
- Class rings may be purchased at any time through Balfour, visit:
Questions? Please contact Kenyatta Porterfield at (843) 208-8020 or
Graduation with Latin Honors
Graduation with Latin honors is based on a minimum of 60 Institutional credit hours and the associated GPA listed below. This calculation will include all institutional credits attempted, not just those submitted in fulfillment of graduation requirements.
Summa Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA of 3.95-4.00
Magna Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA of 3.75-3.949
Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA of 3.50-3.749
Honors Cords
Degree candidates, who are eligible for the distinction of graduating with "cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude" honors, are entitled to wear gold honor cords as part of their commencement regalia.
The Registrar's Office verifies the honors a student has received and provides the bookstore with a current list of candidates eligible to wear honor cords in the commencement ceremony. Any questions regarding a candidate’s eligibility for honors should be addressed by the registrar’s Office: (843) 208-8050.
Shark's Cove Campus Store distributes the honor cords to the recipients of "cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude" honors. For more information, please contact Kenyatta Porterfield at (843) 208-8020, or or on Twitter: @SharksCoveBooks.
Master's Degree Regalia
Master's degree candidates' regalia differs slightly from Baccalareaute candidates. Master's degree regalia includes a longer, extended sleeve as well as a hood that is worn around the neck and draped along the candidate's back. At each Commencement ceremony, graduate degree candidates will be ceremoniously hooded on stage by a member of the USCB community. This hooding at Commencement signifies the accomplishment of earning a Master's Degree in their selected field.
Faculty/Staff Regalia
If you need to rent regalia, please see Kenyatta Porterfield ( in the Shark's Cove Campus Store.