Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When will the tobacco-free policy go into effect?
A: January 1, 2015 for all University of South Carolina Beaufort property.

Q: What does tobacco-free mean?
A: 100% tobacco-free is defined as where the use of all tobacco products is prohibited on any school property (owned or leased, including vehicles) at any time by anyone.  This includes: cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, hookah, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, and any other non-combustible tobacco product.

Q: Who is affected by this policy?
A: Respecting the policy is everyone’s business and applies to all employees, visitors, students, vendors, and contractors.

Q: Will I be able to use tobacco in my personal vehicle while on campus?
A: No.  Tobacco use will be prohibited in all USCB-operated parking areas, and when on USCB property, both inside and outside of vehicles.

Q: Why are e-cigarettes included in this policy?
A: The FDA has the authority to regulate e-cigarettes as a tobacco product. “Vaping” emits fine particles into the air, polluting it, and creates the look and smell of smoking, which causes confusion in complying with and enforcing the tobacco-free policy. 

Q: Are other universities tobacco-free?
A: Yes. In South Carolina, there are currently 22 other colleges and universities that are smoke or tobacco-free.  As of January 1, 2015 there are now at least 1,514 100% smoke free campuses.  Of these, 1014 are 100% tobacco-free, and 587 prohibit the use of e-cigarettes anywhere on campus.

Q: Why are there no designated smoking areas?
A: There are two reasons why USCB decided not to create designated smoking areas.  First, designated smoking areas are not consistent with the policy.  The aim of USCB’s tobacco-free policy is to create a healthy environment to live, work, learn, and play.  Creaking smoking areas sends a message that tobacco use is acceptable; rather, the university promotes healthy lifestyles and provides assistance for students and employees who are ready to quit and for those who need to manage their addiction symptoms while on campus.  Second, designated smoking areas create confusion and are a compliance challenge.  Rarely do people comply with designated smoking areas, so the “area” expands more and more.

 Q: Will there be ashtrays by areas where people tend to smoke more?
A: No.  Since tobacco products are not allowed anywhere on campus, placing ashtrays, butt receptacles, or trash cans sends the wrong message.  By placing receptacles for butts, it implies that smoking or tobacco use is encouraged there.  This would be inconsistent with our policy.  Rather, the goal is to promote compliance with the policy through signage, tobacco treatment, and butt clean up. 

Q: How will the policy be enforced?
A: The successful implementation of the policy will engage everyone in creating a culture of compliance.  As members of the USCB community, students, faculty, and staff are responsible for maintaining a safe and healthy campus environment.  Students and employees are encouraged to politely and compassionately address violators using the university’s tips. This policy will be enforced like any other student conduct/employee regulation violation.  Students who don’t comply with reminders or who repeatedly violate the policy can be reported to Judicial Affairs.  Supervisors should address repeated employee violations.  Q: How is USCB educating students about the policy?

Q: Do employees, students, and visitors have to quit using tobacco products?
A: No. USCB is not asking anyone to quit.  This policy simply means no one can use tobacco products on USCB property and grounds.  For those who are ready to quit, there are treatments available for all community members:

For students:

  • SC State Quitline for Uninsured and Underinsured, 1-800-QUIT-NOW

For Faculty and Staff:

Q: What is USCB doing to help people manage their cravings while on campus?
A: To help manage your cravings, USCB offers Nicotine Replacement Products for a very low cost at these convenient locations: Sand Shark Bookstore.